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Tweet your heart's moments Your nickname will become legendary
* This service is available on Google Chrome
moment COCOROservice-info.suffix
A service where you can tweet the current moment of your heart. Become someone's fan, advisor, or expert. Tweet your thoughts, expectations, trust, joy, sadness, anger, and more
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Anonymous Communication
Enjoy free and open communication through posts and comments using nicknames
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Level Up
Gain experience points based on activity history (posts, comments, likes) and increase your credibility within the service through leveling up
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Badge Acquisition
Earn various badges by achieving specific conditions based on your activity history. Badges prove your achievements in specific fields
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Ranking System
Activity history (posts, comments, likes) on each site is reflected in rankings * Rankings are updated in real-time
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Monitoring Malicious Posts
Posts and comments deemed malicious are subject to removal We strive to ensure a comfortable experience for all users
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Experience Points Acquisition
Gain experience points from activities like posting, commenting, liking, and attendance Level up based on acquired experience points
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I use the service without logging in?
A. Yes, unregistered users can post and comment by entering a 'nickname' and 'edit password'. However, you cannot earn experience points from activities such as 'posting', 'liking', and 'commenting'. As we plan to add benefits based on levels and experience points in the future, we recommend using the service as a registered user. You can easily log in with your Google account.
Q. What are levels?
A. Levels are indicators defined by experience points. As your level increases, your credibility among other users grows. You can gain experience points and level up through activities such as 'posting', 'liking', and 'commenting'.
Q. What are badges?
A. Badges are titles that can be earned by achieving specific conditions based on your activity history. We plan to add various types of badges in the future, which will serve as indicators of user achievements.
Q. What are the criteria for popularity rankings?
A. Rankings are calculated based on activity history including 'posts', 'likes', and 'comments' on each site.
Q. Why do only 'Underground Idols' and 'International Sports' appear in the popularity rankings?
A. These are the categories with the most activity history in our service. Additional categories will be added based on user activity history.
Q. How can I earn experience points?
A. You can earn experience points from activity history such as 'posting', 'liking', and 'commenting'. Experience points are also awarded when acquiring badges and achieving specific conditions.
Q. What can I use experience points for?
A. As you accumulate experience points, your level increases, raising your credibility among other users. We also plan to add various benefits based on levels in the future.
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